One more wrap-up to do.
Here I was thinking I'd finally got all my 2013 reading challenges wrapped up. Well, all the ones that needed wrapping, anyway. But it seems I've still got one more to do — the 2013 ARC Reading Challenge. And since I'm going to join up for the 2014 edition as well, I'm just going to let this post serve double duty as a wrap-up/sign-up post. OK? OK.
Well, for the 2013 ARC Challenge, I signed up at the Bronze Level — I had about a dozen books to read and fully intended to get through them all by the end of the year. Silly me. I ended the year with more than two dozen ARCs/galley proofs/books from publishers/etc. — and read fewer than half of those. I'm not going to list all the books here, but I've got them all listed on my challenge blog (HERE), so you can take a look at the titles if you'd like.
OK, I think that's a wrap. Many thanks to Teddy Rose @ So Many Precious Books, So Little Time for doing such a magnificent job of hosting.
And...thanks to Teddy Rose for hosting again in 2014.
For the 2014 ARC Reading Challenge, I'm throwing caution to the wind and signing up at the Silver Level (Read 24 ARCs). I've already got at least 24 books that qualify and that I really, really need to get read and reviewed. And I can pretty much assure myself that I WILL be acquiring more as the year goes on.
And that's my sign-up post. During the year I'll be tracking my progress over on my challenge blog (HERE). Now I just need to get back to my reading.
Happy New Year, everyone! And happy reading in Twenty-Fourteen!