In this excerpt, Henrietta is describing her reaction to signs she's seen that say "Give a Good Book in Aid of the Red Cross":
I was pleased when I saw them, for I thought it must mean that books of a religious nature were needed, and as I haven't got any it absolved me from all responsibility....To part with even one of the tattered and incongruous volumes which form what I am pleased to call my library is, for me, worse than losing a front tooth. Sometimes I wake in the night and writhe to think of the books I have lent to people and never seen again. (pp.142-143)Yes, I know how she feels. I have the same problem when it comes to parting with books. Except for library books and books lent by friends, if a book finds its way into my eager little hands, it's generally mine for life. Fortunately, I have a husband who is much, much better at clearing out, donating, and throwing away.

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