Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesdays at LibraryThing

Marie, an Early Reviewer for LibraryThing, has offered to host a weekly online get-together of LT book bloggers at her web site, The Boston Bibliophile. As she says, "anyone is welcome to participate but the idea is to catch up with each other on what's new in our LT libraries- new books, books just finished, thoughts, anything like that." To participate, simply write a post in your blog, then go to her entry ("Thinging Through Tuesday") and leave her a comment containing the link to your post.

Well, I've been hanging out at LibraryThing quite a lot lately, checking out the various discussion groups and cataloging a few more books in my personal library listing. I'm doing the cataloging in spurts – and at this rate, it's going to take me about 10 years to list all our books. I'm tremendously impressed with all those people who've listed thousands of titles. But I think if I had that much time on my hands, I'd be more likely to devote it to actually reading the books (or maybe blogging about them).

I recently signed up with the Early Reviewer group at LT, and received my first book in the April hand-out – The Lace Reader, by Brunonia Barry. You can read my review of it here.

My blog isn't exclusively a "book blog," but it is bookish. In fact, I've really been using the blog as a way of getting myself back into reading – something I'd let slide, over the last few years. I try to post reviews of most of the books I read, but I'm a very slow reader – so the reviews don't appear at a rapid rate, I'm afraid.

I have pretty eclectic tastes in reading matter – literary fiction, mysteries, sci-fi and fantasy, children's and young adult literature, humor, biography, history, cultural studies, even some poetry. Not really into romance novels, although I've read quite a few in the past. And I mostly try to stay away from what's known as "chick lit." Well, I think I'm a little too old to qualify as a chick anyway.

I'd like to say thanks very much to Marie for coming up with the idea and hosting. Hope to see a lot of LT bloggers participating.


  1. I'm glad you're participating! I hope it turns out to be fun.
    I also liked your review of The Lace Reader- I wanted to go back and re-read it right away after I finished, what with the big twist ending. I thought it worked though- it's a really neat book. And I agree it would make a great movie. With all the productions going on in the Boston area these days they'd probably film it in Salem- and how cool would that be! :-)

  2. I've got 900 books catalogued, but a lot of those were done in a hurry just before I moved, so that I at least had a record in case anything went missing in transit. Sitting down and doing detailed entries for all of them may take a while...

  3. Found you via LibraryThing :) Your blog looks great. When I catologued all my books it took me forever :) But I'm so glad that they're finally all up in one place for me to refer to.

  4. I have 508 in my LT Library at the moment, and I'm a bit of a tag nut it took so much time when I was entering them.

    I'm just doing the rounds of TTTers to say hello.

    Speak to you soon.

  5. Nice to meet you as well - thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm excited to get started with this new adventure! I know what you mean about LT taking up all your reading time - I tend to go in spurts, spending lots of time for a few days, then holing up with all the books I've been neglecting for a while. =)

  6. I haven't even begun to log all of my books. I will get around to it one of these days! Great review of The Lace Reader. I received The Wednesday Sisters from the April batch and will have a review up soon.

  7. It took me about a week to catalog all of my books into LibraryThing initially. And that was only because I was on vacation for the week. I needed to reorganize and file away books that had not made it to the actual shelf yet--so it proved to be the perfect opportunity. Now I try and log books in as they come into the house.

    I'll skip your review of Lace Reader for now. I have a copy I need to read still--not from LibraryThing--but still an ARE.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Welcome and thanks for leaving me a comment. I love to hear from visitors.

Also, please note that while I appreciate the thought, I don't play the blog awards game. I think you all deserve awards! But you might think about becoming a follower of my blog -- that would really be the best award.