Well, I was sort of dilly-dallying around, hoping I might do a little more catching up on review-writing. But now that there's only a week to go in 2011, I think it's just as well to admit defeat in that area, and get on with challenge wrap-ups. That way, I can devote my whole attention to all those
new challenges on the horizon for 2012! And to save time, I'm not going to do individual wrap-up posts this year -- so here goes:

2011 2nds Challenge was hosted by Katy at
A few More Pages. I signed up at the "Just a Spoonful" level, and read three books:
- A Shilling for Candles. Josephine Tey
- Shut Your Eyes Tight. John Verdon
- Malice in Miniature. Jeanne M. Dams
Didn't manage to get reviews written for any of these, but I enjoyed them all and will be reading more books by these authors in the future. I want to thank Katy for hosting this one, and I'm thinking seriously about signing up for the 2012 2nds Challenge, too.

2011 New Authors Reading Challenge was hosted by Jackie at
Literary Escapism. I committed to reading 15 new-to-me authors, and I actually did a little better than that. Here's my list of authors/books, with links to reviews (if any):
- Andrew Taylor: The Anatomy of Ghosts
- Peter Robinson: Bad Boy
- Joyce Dennys: Henrietta Sees It Through
- Paul Elwork: The Girl Who Would Speak for the Dead
- Elizabeth Stuckey-French: The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady
- Mary Cunningham: Cynthia's Attic: The Missing Locket
- Jennifer Egan: A Visit from the Goon Squad
- Jim Stinson: Tassy Morgan's Bluff
- Rebecca Hunt: Mr. Chartwell
- Joan Lindsay: Picnic at Hanging Rock
- William Boyd: Nat Tate
- Michael Robertson: The Brothers of Baker Street
- James Patterson: Along Came a Spider
- Conor Fitzgerald: The Fatal Touch
- Kate Mosse: The Winter Ghosts
- Miles Franklin: My Brilliant Career
- John Harwood: The Seance
- Paul Scott: Staying On
- Melanie Benjamin: Alice I Have Been
- Philip Eade: Prince Philip: The Turbulent Early Life of the Man Who Married Queen Elizabeth II
This was one of my favorite challenges, and I'm really grateful to Jackie for hosting. I definitely intend to sign up for the 2012 edition, and promise to try to do a better job of keeping up with reviews.
You rocked those challenges! Way to go!