Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday is hosted weekly by MizB at Should Be Reading. To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions:

What are you currently reading?

Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon

Verdon's second thriller to feature retired police detective Dan Gurney. I read the first book (Think of a Number) last year and really enjoyed it. I'm reading an ARC of this one, but I think the book is being released this week.

What did you recently finish reading?

Nat Tate by William Boyd

Deliciously inventive tale of the "well known" American artist, Nat Tate. Boyd's little hoax is probably not for everyone, but I found it a wonderful read. You'll probably appreciate "Tate" more if you're familiar with Boyd's 2002 novel Any Human Heart.

Mr. Chartwell by Rebecca Hunt.

Hope to have a short review of this one up today or tomorrow. It's taken me much too long to finish, but that's not a reflection of the book's quality or length. Just real life flooding in on me at just the wrong time.

What do you think you'll read next?

Whisker of Evil by Rita Mae Brown

Actually, this one could have gone under "Currently Reading" -- started it last month, and only got a couple of chapters read. Again, not a reflection on the book -- I always love the Mrs Murphy mysteries.

And after that, probably a vintage mystery of some sort. Seems to me that mid-summer is the perfect time of year for some Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers.


  1. I love the cover for Mr. Chartwell.

    Here's mine:

  2. I bought Think of a Number for my e-reader and never actually read it. Perhaps I should get one that!

    New follower hopping over from Should be reading.

    Here is my WWW.

  3. I hope you get to finish the Mrs. Murphy book this week!

  4. Rita Mae Brown is an author I want to read one of these days. Being a cat lover, her books always catch my eye.

  5. Shut Your Eyes Tight sounds like a good one. I need to get a copy of his earlier book: Think of a Number. enjoy this one


Welcome and thanks for leaving me a comment. I love to hear from visitors.

Also, please note that while I appreciate the thought, I don't play the blog awards game. I think you all deserve awards! But you might think about becoming a follower of my blog -- that would really be the best award.