Spring is finally here, and with spring comes the wonderful
Once Upon a Time Reading Challenge (Number VI this year!), hosted annually by Carl V. over at
Stainless Steel Droppings. (Yay, Carl!) And even though I don't always manage to read as many books for the challenge as I intend to, I still think it's one of the nicest things about the season.

This year, I'm once again signing up at the first level ("
The Journey"). That way, I'm really only committing to one book even though (as always) I'm hoping to do better than that. And although I generally like
reading fantasy and fairy tales more than I like watching them in movies and TV shows, this year I think I'm going to give the "
Quest on the Screen" a try too, and see how I do with that.
I'll probably be reading mostly fantasy, and don't have a very detailed list of possible reads yet, but I've got a few I'm considering:
- The Castle of Llyr. Lloyd Alexander. I read the first two books in Alexander's "Prydain Chronicles" many years ago, but never went beyond that. Now might be the time.
- Inkheart. Cornelia Funke. I've had this one on my TBR list for quite a while now. Sounds like a great read, but it's soooooo looooong!
- The Mists of Avalon. Marion Zimmer Bradley. Another long-time "must read" book, another chunkster. But I've always loved the Arthur tales, so this could be a good choice.
- The Prince of Mist. Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Loved the author's Shadow of the Wind, but was a little disappointed by The Angel's Game. This one sounds really intriguing, so it's a definite possibility.
And during the course of the challenge, I'll be adding to my list of possible reads and tracking my progress on my challenge blog,
here. Now I should just get reading!