Thursday, April 05, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Recommendation

This week BTT asks a question suggested by Bookish Sarah: "If someone asked you for a book recommendation, what is the FIRST book you’d think to recommend (without extra thought)?"

I'm always very hesitant when it comes to recommending books, no matter how much thought I'm allowed to give the process. I do it, of course -- but it makes me nervous. I have fairly idiosyncratic taste in reading matter, so I know that what I love isn't always what others will enjoy. I think the last book I whole-heartedly recommended to other readers (and just about everyone I met) was probably The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows -- and I was actually a little surprised to discover that not everyone loved the book as much as I did.

Even in my reviews and reading reports, I'm a bit reluctant about recommending books -- even the ones I've loved. Of course, a glowing review is in itself sort of a recommendation, I suppose. But that's about as far as I generally like to go.


  1. I agree with you. I read The Guernsey...Potato Peel Pie Society. I didn't know what to expect of this book, but was pleasantly surprised when I read it and also liked it.

    Thanks for the visit today.

  2. That one is an excellent choice! The one that always comes to mind for me is The Kite that book!

  3. That's a new title for me, sounds good.

  4. I loved that one, too, although it didn't spring to mind, which is why I have different answers. But my mind is sometimes a


  5. I used to recommend The Help, but now everyone's read it or seen the movie.

  6. I bought the Guernsey...Potato Peel Society on its name alone. It just grabbed my attention. I loved it and found it really hard to put down. It is a great book! My BTT:

  7. That was a good one. I loved it :)

  8. I had a hard time with this question too :-)

  9. Oh, I loved that book! One that I just happened to pick up without recommendation from anyone, just because I liked the title! :)

    I don't generally recommend a book without considering who it is that is asking, but just now I really like the book I'm reading, so...
    Here's mine


Welcome and thanks for leaving me a comment. I love to hear from visitors.

Also, please note that while I appreciate the thought, I don't play the blog awards game. I think you all deserve awards! But you might think about becoming a follower of my blog -- that would really be the best award.