Thursday, February 16, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Fan Fiction?

This week, BTT asks: "Have you ever written any fan-fiction? If yes, why and for which book(s)? If no, would you like to and for which books(s)?....For that matter, do you ever READ fan-fiction??"

I guess -- given the fact that I had to Google "fan fiction" just to be sure I knew what we're talking about -- my answer to all that has to be "No." Interesting phenomenon, but not really my cuppa.


  1. I've certainly heard that expression around the blogosphere, but I wasn't sure what it was, either. Guess I'd have to Google it, too!

    Perhaps I'll skip this one....

  2. Learn something new every day ;)
    I only learned of it last year...

    Here's my BTT ~ House Millar series


  3. ha ha I totally had to google it as well!!!! Too funny I thought i was an out of the look book blogger lol. Who knew this whole world was out there. Here's my BTT
    Happy Reading!
    Cathy @ Addicted to Books

  4. A great answer.

    here's mine:

  5. I had to google it too and it's a no for me as well.

  6. Mmmm...I guess I'm in the minority. I did read and write them years ago, but it's been a long time since I was interested in them.

  7. LOL, I only discovered fanfic when I was desperate for more in the Twilight world about 2 years ago.
    Check out my post


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