Two of the books have been out for a while, although they're new to me. Lisa Jackson's Malice is from earlier this year, but I managed to miss hearing about it until now. And Ariana Franklin's City of Shadows was first published in 2006, but since reading her Grave Goods last week, I've become a fan and thought I'd like to take a look at one of her stand-alone novels – something not in the Mistress of the Art of Death series.
Alice I Have Been, by Melanie Benjamin, won't be published until next January, but I'm already looking forward to it. I've always been an Alice in Wonderland fan, so this is one I'm pretty sure I'll read.
And Frank Portman's Andromeda Klein is due out a little later this month. I don't read much young adult fiction anymore, but this one sounds like a really fun book. I first heard about it over at Kristen's blog, Bookworming in the 21st Century – it was one of her Friday Finds last week. Is it OK to pilfer someone else's Finds? I hope so. And I hope Kristen doesn't mind. Maybe we could just consider it a form of bloggy recycling.

Friday Finds is a weekly event hosted by mizb17 at Should Be Reading. Participants are asked to share with other bloggers about the new-to-you books found during the week - books you either want to add to your TBR list, or that you just heard about that sound interesting.
You could start a book club and everyone could read the same book!