Thursday, August 13, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Recent Worst

This week's BTT question is: What’s the worst book you’ve read recently?

As opposed to your all-time worst. Which is good because I've lived a really long time and read some real stinkers over the years. I couldn't possibly choose just one of those as THE worst, and if I listed ALL of them, I'd be here all day.

So, define "recently." Are we talking this month? This week? Well, I'm a slow reader and I don't read the tons of books that a lot of bloggers manage to get through. So I'll say for me recent is this year. And looking back over my reading year, I don't find that many clinkers. And worst? By what standard? OK, don't go there, Joy. No sense airing your blasted obsessive-compulsive problems in this venue.

All righty. Of the 30-odd books I've read so far this year, there were only three that really didn't appeal to me: The Book of God and Physics by Enrique Joven, The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist, and The Old Man and Me by Elaine Dundy. (Oops – that reminds me – I've never posted my review of the Dundy book. Well, I posted it at Library Thing, but not on my blog. Have to get on that later today.)

None of those books was awful; just not as entertaining as I would have liked. And they each had their "good parts." But if they hadn't been advance copies, I probably wouldn't have finished any of them. Which brings me to the books I've started this year, but put aside because they just didn't grab me. Several of those, too.

Ah, but that's a question for another Thursday, isn't it?


  1. I am amazed that you are able to continue participating in BTT with these recent questions. I tip my hat to you!

  2. I couldn't come up with anything... I've become really good at choosing books that I know I'll like. Or maybe it's just that I haven't had any worst books recently.

  3. I rate The Alchemist as the worst ever book. But recent worst? I am more selective!

    Booking through recent worst
    Kill Word Verification

  4. Girls in Trucks by Katie Crouch is the worst I read recently, all time worst has got to Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo. YUK to both of those books!

  5. I'm interested in The Unit but it seems like the kind of thing that wouldn't work for everyone. Oh well! :)

  6. I have heard of The Unit, just didn't seem like my kind of book -- sorry it was disappointing.

  7. Yes, I've a little pile of books that I must try to get back to, but didn't hold my attention.

    You'll find mine here.

  8. Good answers! I'll avoid them in the future :)

    I chose The Reader by Bernhard Schlink as my most recent BAD read. You can check out my thoughts here.

  9. I was just looking at The Unit in B&N this morning. It's not the type of book I usually read, but it looked kind of interesting.

  10. Hi Joy, I enjoyed reading your post. I also have a little pile of books I must get to. I think it's very hard to find a 'worst book' Happy BTT

  11. I couldn't answer this one. I've read some books lately that I didn't care for, but I didn't necessarily think they were BAD books, so I couldn't say one was worse than the other.

  12. Yeah, I know how you feel. There aren't too many books I literally HATED. Mostly they just didn't live up to my expectations or I didn't finish them period. Or they were boring.


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