Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Teaser Tuesdays: The Mist in the Mirror

This week my teaser lines come from Susan Hill's The Mist in the Mirror, a novel inspired by classic ghost tales. In this snippet (from Chapter 5/Loc.835), the main character is beginning to realize there really is a ghost following him around London:
He stood, pale, ragged, utterly still in the circle of lamplight and as I stared directly at him he raised his head, turned his face up to me, his eyes seeking mine out. And so we stayed, as if frozen in some other time and place, I, James Monmouth, in the dark, upper room of the house, and the ghost of the boy in the cold street below.
This is one of the books I'm reading for RIP/9, and so far I'm loving it.

Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by mizB at Should Be Reading. If you'd like to read more teasers, or take part yourself, just head on over to her blog.

And please feel free to leave me a link to your Teaser Tuesday post in your comment here.


  1. I often wonder what I would do if I saw a ghost at the top of the stairs. I know one thing, I wouldn't go up, even if the ghost was Casper I wouldn't go up. If I was James, I'd wait a long time before getting out of the house. Not because I'm afraid, but because ghosts should be admired from afar. hehe.

    Great teaser!

    Here's mine

    ~ pdbkwm

  2. Ghost stories are perfect for this time of year! Enjoy.

  3. Sounds spooky...in a good way. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy! Here's mine: “HELLO FROM THE GILLESPIES”

  4. What a nice change this could be from vampires and zombies, lol.

    My TT this week is from A Pirate Looks at Fifty by Jimmy Buffett at http://wp.me/pZnGI-dJ

  5. This would be perfect for my October reads. I love a good haunting and that cover art is spooky too.
    Here is my TT - http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/09/23/teaser-tuesdays-82-leaves-by-michael-baron/

  6. Sounds like one I'd like! Awesome cover!

  7. This looks good. Interesting teaser you got there :)
    Here's mine:
    Stolen SongBird (The Malediction Trilogy #1)


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