Old Baggage: A Novel, by Lissa Evans (Harper Perennial, 2018). These are the book's opening lines:
Part I1928Mattie always carried a club in her handbag — just a small one, of polished ash. That was the most infuriating aspect of the whole episode: she'd actually been armed when it happened.
About the Book:
Matilda "Mattie" Simpkin is a woman with a thrilling past and a chafingly uneventful present. During the Women’s Suffrage Campaign she was a militant. Jailed five times, she marched, sang, gave speeches, smashed windows and heckled Winston Churchill, and nothing – nothing – since then has had the same depth, the same excitement.
Now in middle age, she is still looking for a fresh mold into which to pour her energies. But what starts as a brilliantly idealistic plan is derailed by a connection with Mattie’s militant past, one which begins to threaten every principle that she stands for. (--excerpted from publisher's description)
Initial Thoughts:
I love a woman who can take care of herself! And Mattie Simpkin certainly seems to fit that description.
Lissa Evans is a new author for me, and so far I'm really loving her novel. Hoping to finish it up later on tonight.
Happy Friday and happy reading, everyone! And have a lovely weekend.
Rose City Reader hosts Book Beginnings on Friday. As she says, the idea is to post the first sentence (or so) of the book you're currently reading, along with any first impressions or thoughts you have about the book, the author, etc. It's a wonderful way of adding new books to your must-read list, and a chance to connect with other readers and bloggers.