Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teaser Tuesdays: The Innocent Sleep

This week my teaser lines come from The Innocent Sleep by Karen Perry.  I haven't really started this one (it's my "next up"), so I'm not too sure about what's going on in this excerpt.  From page 18:
"But you know what I'm afraid of?  Late at night, she'll come round here looking for you.  She'll find me instead, and then what?  She'll try to sink her teeth into me as well.  She will try to suck the blood out of me."
"The way I see it, someone's already beaten her to it.  Have you looked in the mirror?"
Hmmmm.  I don't think it's a vampire story, so....?


Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by mizB at Should Be Reading. If you'd like to read more teasers, or take part yourself, just head on over to her blog.

And please feel free to leave me a link to your Teaser Tuesday post in your comment here.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Teaser Tuesdays: The Universe Versus Alex Woods

This week my teaser lines come from The Universe Versus Alex Woods, by Gavin Extence.  This is one of several books I'm trying to get reviewed this week (if all goes well and according to plan).  For now, I'll just say it's a wonderful read.  I believe this quote comes from page 122 of the hardcover edition (it's at Location 1801 of the Kindle version).
"Lucy's our cat." 
"Cute name." 
"It's short for Lucifer." 
Oh, yeah.  I've known kitties like that. 


Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by mizB at Should Be Reading. If you'd like to read more teasers, or take part yourself, just head on over to her blog.

And please feel free to leave me a link to your Teaser Tuesday post in your comment here.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Book Beginnings: The Caves of Perigord

This is not a book I planned to read this year - or even one that I knew about:  The Caves of Périgord, by Martin Walker.  I made the mistake of browsing the BookOutlet website, and this one - a story involving prehistoric cave paintings, and art stolen by the Nazis - sounded too interesting to pass up.  These are the opening lines:
Every interesting woman has a private smile, and Lydia Dean was startled by a brief, tantalizing glimpse of her own.  Its reflection suddenly flashed on the glass covering a poster as she entered her cramped attic office, then it faded.  She might almost have imagined it, and certainly there was no cause to smile.  Determined not to show how much the interview with Justin had upset her, she closed the door firmly behind her and contemplated the imminent ruin of her empire. Yet for the first time that day, and despite the faint dismay at the prospect of unemployment, she felt her spirits lifting.

Initial Thoughts:  Well, that bit about the private smile might be a little much, but the opening piques my curiosity a bit, I have to admit.  I'm wondering just what it is that makes Lydia an interesting woman, since nothing in those first lines really explains that.  And what's all that about her empire being in ruins?  And why should that make her spirits lift?  Lots of questions to be answered, so I guess that's enough to keep reading.  Well, after I finish three or four other books, that is.

So, what do you think?  Give it a try?  Or ditch it and move on?


Rose City Reader hosts Book Beginnings on Fridays. As she says, the idea is to post the first sentence (or so) of the book you're currently reading, along with any first impressions or thoughts you have about the book, the author, etc.  It's a wonderful way of adding new books to your must-read list, and a chance to connect with other readers and bloggers.